The IMRF's IMO representative, Roly McKie, has recently produced some information that is of operational concern to SAR rescue boat, SAR aircraft and MRCC operators. You can download this document here

The document explains a paper, submitted by the USA, to the IMO Navigation, Communications and SAR (NSCR) subcommittee, meeting 11, in June 2024, regarding lessons learned from a US SAR incident where a radar SART was used by a survivor but was not detected by responding vessels and aircraft.

The US paper, and the IMRF information document, raise operational concerns for front line SAR response. IMRF members are encouraged to read the document and consider implementing the suggestions it makes.

Furthermore, Roly McKie requests that any IMRF members provide any views they have on this paper and its subject. Also, those with knowledge of Broadband radar, are asked to contact him to discuss the possible SAR implications of this new technology which may not be able to detect Radar SART at all.